WaterScope Partners with ARA International to Bring Water Quality Monitoring Solutions to Pakistan and Afghanistan

April 2024
We are excited to announce that WaterScope has partnered with ARA International to bring our innovative water testing systems to Pakistan and Afghanistan. As the exclusive distributor, ARA International will help us reach communities that urgently need access to clean and safe drinking water.
ARA International has a strong track record of working with renown partners like LifeStraw and LuminAID to deliver sustainable solutions. We have kicked off our partnership by providing ARA with demo systems and conducting comprehensive training to ensure their team is ready to deploy our technology effectively.
We believe this partnership will significantly impact water quality management in the region, and we look forward to a successful collaboration with ARA International. Stay tuned for more updates as we work together to improve access to clean water.
If you are interested in partnering with WaterScope in other regions or want to acquire WaterScope systems in Pakistan/Afghanistan, feel free to reach out info@waterscope.org and we would be happy to support you!